
July 25, 2010

Sharing my new hobby!

I just want to share one of my new greatest achievements: Rowing in the Lagoon!
I decided to start canoeing classes two weeks ago. The basic fundaments are given inside a tank, where you should row for a while. Then, you pass to the next step, the actual Lagoon.

I wanted to learn the positions and techniques, so I hit Youtube to check on videos. I ended up wathcing a really funny and scary edition of 23 people falling in the water. Hahaha! So, that´s why I was really shaky and nervous bellow, but I did not fall! That´s good so far!

Anyway, rowing is a great exercice, not only for being a complete work out, but for also being mind provoking, refreshing and beautiful. The water is delightful, the sun is marvelous, the scenery is astonishing! It always end up being a great inspirational moment of the day.

What is yours? What do you do to inspire yourself daily?

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