
July 31, 2010

Time is relative

Its being a little while since a post something. First thing, I am sorry. Second thing, I am sure it will happen again. A post per day is challenging and sometimes impossible. Life just insists to get busy and busy with time. As a girl of theories, I have one now.

Theory Statement: a post posted is better than two posts in your head.

For now, I have millions ideas on my head, but not time to copy-paste, study and write a post. How to create time? How to make time flexible?

When I had to study for an exam, that was all I did for the whole day. Busy Busy.
When I had to finish a project and go grocery, that was all I did for the whole day. Busy busy.
When I had to help at home, cook, write a paper, go tothe doctor, pay the bills, prepare for a meeting, clean my wardrobe, that was all I did for the whole day. Busy busy.
Now I have to work for a multinational company, study for my MBA, write my final project, work on my side projects, read, get references, help at home, produce my music, release my two books, that is all I do for the whole day.
Busy busy!

Time is relative like truth. You can just make it.
And wins who makes more nad better.

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