
July 24, 2010

Stephen Wiltshire

I first knew Stephen at the age of 13 by a documentary about his work and life. I was so impressed that I have been following his career since then.

Stephen Wiltshire is an artist who draws and paints detailed cityscapes. He has a particular talent for drawing lifelike, accurate representations of cities, sometimes after having only observed them briefly. He was awarded an MBE for services to the art world in 2006. He studied Fine Art at City & Guilds Art College. His work is popular all over the world, and is held in a number of important collections.

Stephen was born in London to West Indian parents on 24th April, 1974. As a child he was mute, and did not relate to other human beings. Aged three, he was diagnosed as autistic. He had no language and lived entirely in his own world. At the age of five, at Queensmill School in London, teachers noticed that he was only interested in drawing. And that´s when its began...

In 1987, the BBC QED programme, 'The Foolish Wise Ones', featured Stephen's astounding talent. Great doc!

The incredible thing is that Stephen looks, memorizes and then draws it by entirely memory. He memorized Madrid´s panoramic view during a 30 minute helicopter flight through the city and during three days he drew this detailed drawing below. Check out the details this guy can hold in his mind!

Life is so hard the way it is. Imagine life and art with extra obstacles. It can be challenging, but also an opportunity for innovation and for exceeding ones personal talent.

I just love people that have the heart and generosity to cross the boundaries and make a meaning by touching people.

Check out Stephen´s site!

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