
May 26, 2011

Mobile Interaction: Adding Content and Context (QR Codes and Mobile Use at Arts Experiences) by Group of Minds

Recently, Ron Evans was asked to speak at the CultureLab gathering in Chicago, on the subject of mobile interaction at arts events. They were kind enough to capture the complete workshop session on video, and I've included it below. CultureLab is cool. Their website says it "was formed to break down the silos of research, policy and practice, and create a new capacity and approach to tackling challenging issues. His goal is to spur relevant research, innovative thinking and in-the-trenches experimentation that will allow the cultural sector to respond more rapidly to changing conditions." Ron Evans invite all of you to learn more about CultureLab via the website and check out some of the presentations by other speakers that day. 

Mobile Interaction: adding content and context - Ron Evans from Cultural Policy Center on Vimeo.

Ron Evans of Groupofminds explores QR codes as a way of engaging arts audiences. Recorded at CultureLab's 2011 Emerging Practice Seminar.

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