
May 26, 2011

MIranda July's Message

I have received this e-mail from Miranda July (ok, collective e-mail) and I would like to share with you...Check out Miranda July Tag and her last projects...

I love her as an artist. You should check her pieces...THE FUTURE is her latest movie released in Cannes...

"Dear Person,

I made a movie, it's called The Future. It's about Sophie and Jason (pictured below) contending with mortality and the void within. There's a talking cat and a yellow tee-shirt that can move by itself. 

The Future opens on July 29th in select cities and then rolls out across the country in August. 

In the meantime, we have created a website: 
I'll be writing soul-bearing bi-weekly blog posts on here, and if that doesn't interest you there's a magical spinning oracle that conjures your own personal future, as I see it. If you find it helpful, then you can sign up to have your future sent to you every Monday and Thursday, like a horoscope. 

Note: You are on the list of people who will be alerted first when something big happens. Not just something pertaining to this movie, but anything. If the sun and the moon change places, you'll be among the first to know. 

we are in your hands,

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