
May 9, 2011

Brazilian Collage Artist - Anderson Thives

with Brazilian Collage Artist

Anderson Thives's art gallery at Cassino Atlantico

Anderson Thives's Website

What was the exact moment when you decided to be an artist or you realized the fact that you are an artist?
I feel that the decision to “become” something for forever is always good, but the majority of the time I think that we already know from a very young age our real vocation. It was that way for me. I remember that very young, my passion already was for collages. While my colleagues painted and drew, I glued together everything that I saw. Including the walls of my house. This way, life took me to my “destined” vocation.  

In this process, who was your great mentor or master and why?
In reality, I didn’t have one. I always had “references” in the way of artistic movements and artists with whom I identified myself more. It was this that led me to Contemporary Pop. But when I wanted to dive deeper into collages, I lacked references. I latched onto Pop Art and the artists like Andy Warhol and Picasso. Why? In this case, more for the aesthetics than the ideology. 

"Garota do Rio"

What were the things that challenged and scared you the most to have your life devoted to art in a country like Brazil?
It is to kill “two” lions per day. To live to sell canvas, it is to live the “superfluous”. That people don’t necessarily need, but buy for other motives. But at the same time it is to live with the largest happiness in the world to be free to do absolutely anything that you like.

Brazilian MPB Singer Emanuele Araujo portraited by Anderson.

What was a great artistic failure or deception you’ve already had in your life? How did you face it or overcome it?
There were various, I’ve already received many nos from galleries that always though I was “raw”, or not prepared. But every “no” was important for me to turn into the professional that I am today. Focusing on the work and the objectives. With the opening of my gallery, these galleries from the past, are today my colleagues. 

What was your best conquest until now?
I have many. My career in Europe, it was unassuming and at the same time relevant to my visibility in Brazil. The opening of my own gallery at the Cassino Atlantico. The branch I will open in New York. Each day is a conquest. Every day is a celebration. 

Anderson at his atelier

How did you discover collaging?
When I was very young and I don’t remember exactly how the “passion” for the technique began. I know in college I started my hobby to do collages because I wanted to be “different” from my classmates, and I wanted to do what I knew best. In referential terms, one was Richard Hamilton. It is different from what I do, but the pop aesthetic is very relevant.  

How much time do you spend per piece?
There are canvas that take longer, others less time. But the average is” 4 days. (There are canvas that take longer than others, but on average: 4 days) 

Do you perceive that the constrution of the canvas in the table, tone of color, texture, framing (etc) are very similar to the originals (ex. Van Gogh)? What is the intent of this reading? Did you mean for that? (What did you want?)
For some of the readings, there is the worry to not be “bad”. Someone that looks and says: “but the original is a lot better”. It’s not that I want to be better, but I want my technique to have a result of quality. In other cases, the reading is different. I play more without worrying about the similarities. 

Do you listen to music while you work on your collages? (If so) What type of music? What singer, (or) band?
I listen to a little of everything. But the majority of the time it is French music like Piaf, for example, which I love. And others like the Syrian-Lebanese singer Mika. With whom I am a fan and ended up being my client.

You are also an actor, set designer and costume designer. How do you divide you time and organize your priorities?
I’ve already retired from the other professions. Acting was a hobby for a long time, as I was always a set designer; I ended up falling in love with the projects and ended up doing everything. The costumes came with “selfishness”. Being a set designer, I always thought that one thing complimented the other. That the aesthetic was only one. So, I only accepted to do the set design if I could do the costumes also. I am a big perfectionist, so this worry to align the two always existed. But for eight years now, I have opted for only visual arts. 

What will be the next theme for your collection of collages?
I just inaugurated “Cool’ Art”, which are portraits of only porn magazine cartoons. And I’m in the process of “Ten-Glued”, which I will do in London the second semester. One series of ten works the actual size of humans types, in which works of renowned portrait have been “detached” from its orgininal form and comes to life. I’m having fun. 

What are the three best books you have ever read?
There are various. I like biographies a lot because I am curious and learn a lot from people. But I like the last one I read: “The Boy With the Striped Pajamas”. The story is emotional and the lesson as well. 

What would you cry out if you where the last red jelly bean in the package?
The yellow is more delicious!

What is your motto of life?
It is cliche, but is LOVE! Love everything and everyone. Donate yourself! Love what you are doing, even if it is temporary and won’t last forever. Love is our daily fuel.

As this is an artistic reference blog, give us your artistic references, your tips.
I can’t get away from my pop artist roots. Haha...


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