
February 27, 2011

Antoinette-Fleur's Video

Today, I received an e-mail from Antoinette-Fleur, a French drawer, thanking me for posting about her art work a while ago. (You can check the post at this LINK). Antoinette is a wonderful drawer who focus her pieces in portraits and fashion figures.

In her e-mail, Antoinette-Fleur provided us an "art reference": an animation video showing her drawings. Please, check below:

I am also adding here another video I found in Youtube about her work:

Votre Portrait by Antoinette-Fleur

Thank you, Antoinette, for inspiring us with your inspirations.
We love your work. Please, keep the good job!
We will always be a fan!

Bonne journée à toi aussi, Antoinette-Fleur!

Artists' website:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your kind words!

    Here is a new vidéo:

    Antoinette-Fleur in Shanghai
