
January 29, 2011

Rio´s Grafitti - Poem Street Walls

Muros de Giz or Poem Walls is a great carioca streets initiative. People do graffttis on street walls
leaving a chalk part for passersby to write a poem or a phrase.
Later, the walls are photographed and post in FLICKr for backup reference.
The walls is frequently cleared to give space for new writtings.

Wall Phrase:

"O sonho é uma caixa fechada sem paredes"
The dream is a closed box without walls..

"O som pertence ao silêncio,
O silêncio imprime o tempo,
e edifica o espaço."

"The sound pertains to the silence,
silence imprints the time,
and edifies the space"

  Check Muros de Giz´s FLICKr HERE!

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