
December 28, 2010

Art Market Blog – The Worlds Top Art Schools - Nicholas Forrest

If you dont know this blog, it is about itme! Art Market Blog is written by Nicholas Forrest. He is an art market analyst, art critic and journalist based in Sydney, Australia. He is the founder of, writes the art column for the magazine Antiques and Collectibles for Pleasure and Profit and contributes to many other publications.

If you like art and principally the auction world, you should have this blog under your favorites!

Please, check below one useful article by Nicholas:

"When looking at an artists cv to determine whether their work would be a good investment there are several things you should look for (which I have outlined in previous posts) one of which is the art school that they attended. Having attended a top art school is a sign of talent, commitment and desire to achieve. Listed below are some of the worlds top art schools which all art investors and collectors should become familiar with so that you know which schools to look for on an artist’s cv.

The Slade School of Fine Art is concerned with contemporary art and the practice, history and theories that inform it. It approaches the study and practice of art in an enquiring, investigative, experimental and research-minded way, consciously contributing to the lively discourses of contemporary art, nationally and internationally. The Slade’s foundation in 1871 was the result of a bequest from Felix Slade who envisaged a school where fine art would be studied within a liberal arts university. The School’s location in UCL and in the centre of London, provides excellent opportunities for students to access a wide range of learning resources and research opportunities.
Goldsmiths is all about the freedom to experiment, to think differently, to be an individual. We bring creative and unconventional approaches to all of our subjects, but everything we do is based on the highest academic standards of teaching and research.
Royal Academy
The RA Schools are founded upon the disciplines of painting, sculpture and printmaking. These disciplines are fundamental to the traditions that the Schools are proud to uphold.
The Schools offer students of exceptional ability and promise the opportunity to develop their ideas and working practices and provide a foundation to their careers as professional artists
Pratt Institute
The mission of Pratt Institute is to educate artists and creative professionals to be responsible contributors to society. Pratt seeks to instill in all graduates aesthetic judgment, professional knowledge, collaborative skills, and technical expertise.
Camberwell College of Arts
Camberwell is one of the world’s foremost art and design institutions and we’ve welcomed students to South London for over a century, many of whom have stayed on in the area making it the place for artists to live and work.
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), founded in 1877 in Providence, RI, is a vibrant community of artists and designers that includes 2,200 students from around the world, approximately 350 faculty and curators, and 400 staff members. Each year more than 200 prominent artists, critics, authors and philosophers visit our historic College Hill campus.
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Central Saint Martins provides specialist education and research in the fields of fine art, fashion & textiles, film, video and photography, graphics & communication design, three dimensional design, theatre & performance and interdisciplinary art & design.
The Art Institute of Chicago
As a leader in art education for more than 140 years, SAIC provides the inspiration for those who grasp the complexity of our culture and strive to make a contribution of their own. Our students, faculty, and alumni are the makers of images, words, objects, and sounds that forever shape and alter our world
Yale University
Yale University comprises three major academic components: Yale College (the undergraduate program), the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the professional schools. In addition, Yale encompasses a wide array of centers and programs, libraries, museums, and administrative support offices
California Institute of the Arts
The nation’s first art institute to offer BFAs and MFAs in both the visual and performing arts, CalArts is dedicated to training and nurturing the next generation of professional artists, fostering brilliance and innovation within the broadest context possible. Emphasis is placed on new and experimental work and students are admitted solely on the basis of artistic ability
University of Art and Design Helsinki
The University of Art and Design Helsinki is an international university dedicated to
design, audiovisual communication, art education and art. It is the largest university
of its kind in Scandinavia and has a strong and active international presence.
The University founded in 1871 is a pioneer in research and education.
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
The Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) is no ordinary institution. It is a creative meeting place of varied disciplines in the arts – from the stage to the studios and workshops. It is an academy where the personal as well as the collective expression is explored and tested
Parsons the New School for Design
Parsons focuses on creating engaged citizens and outstanding artists, designers, scholars and business leaders through a design-based professional and liberal education.
Parsons students learn to rise to the challenges of living, working and creative decision making in a world where human experience is increasingly designed. The school embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology, collaborative methods and global perspectives on the future of design.
I am sure that there are plenty of other fantastic art schools but the ones that I have listed are the most prestigious and art considered to offer the best visual art programs."

Give us your opinion.
I am personally trying to find a good Art / Entertainment Management course.
Can you help me?


  1. Carnegie Mellon is good I guess! Pratt is also a good option! Try to find a program there...

  2. I am also lost on it. Gosh it is really difficult to find art managament courses. The Carnegie Mellon one is long and expensive. I have searched.
    Hugs, Kelly

  3. I did it in George Manson. i liked it a lot!
