
November 23, 2010

National Ballet of China - Raise the Red Lantern

After sell out seasons in London, New York and Washington the National Ballet of China makes its first visit to Brazil. This prestigious company of 70 dancers presented the internationally acclaimed classical ballet Raise the Red Lantern for 8 performances at the Municipal in Rio de Janeiro.

Raise the Red Lantern, directed by Zhang Yimou, is one of the most sublimely beautiful and openly controversial films of the 1990’s. Zhang’s unique method of story telling – seen in his House of Flying Daggers and Hero combines an almost choreographic use of image with a powerful narrative. Raise the Red Lantern won him an Oscar nomination and universal acclaim.

Zhang brings cinematic and passionate vision to the dance stage with his stunning adaptation of one of his most acclaimed cinematic creations.

It is an event of cultural significance an internationally acclaimed classical ballet, featuring an original score by Qigang Chen and choreography by Xin Peng Wang in the first ever Australian tour of the National Ballet of China.

“A modern ballet with the sweep of a big budget motion picture… a powerful piece of dance theatre” NEW YORK TIMES

View from the Municipal Theater

Municipal Theater in Downtown (Center) - Rio de Janeiro
Last Sunday

There is always this huge natural flower arrange in the entrance

Brazilians arriving at the Municipal

“East meets West in epic style”

Inside the Municipal Theater

Cafe at the Municipal

Me posing at the stairs!

15 mins break!

Mural during the 15 mins break.

Last Applause

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