
November 10, 2010

How often do you read?

That's an interesting question, principally for a city that was invaded by Coffee Shops + Book Stores in the last 5 years. Brazilians do not read much, I've got to admit, but we are getting better.

I am a slow reader myself. I read a book per month. But I have a piece of information to clarify. I don't read silly books like the ones you find everywhere. Silly vampire, murder romance or self-help books. I mostly read theory books. Yes, I am that kind of person. yeahh...blurh...

So the readings are more dense and take more time. I just finished the last book I suggested in this blog: The Paper Canoe by Eugenio Barba about theater antrophology. It was amazing. He builds a paralel between the ocidental and oriental theaters, its costumes, its inpirations, ideologies, theories and thecniques.
It is a good choice of book for theater lovers.

Now, I am reading another book. Its called The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed by Sara Gay Forden. This is a great book for fashion lovers. It is an inside history from one of the most glamourous brands. My father and my sister work with fashion. I gave this book as a present but they did not reas it yet. So, I am confiscating and reading.

Another great book I have read before, is From Zero to Zara about Zara's history.
Its worth it! It tells the whole Inditex sucess history.

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