
October 15, 2010

Trip to Tiradentes - Minas Gerais

Hi Everyone,

These are some pictures of a trip I made to Tiradentes.
Tiradentes is a cute historical city from Minas Gerais, a realy rustic State.
It is filled with art and history.  Tiradentes was an important figure that proclamed the State indenpendency back in the years.

Now, the city hosts big events and fairs like the gastronomic fair, the harley davidson encounter, and the book fair. My parents have being there during the gastronomic fair. Imagine, the best chefs, a cold weather, cooking classes and eating eating eating all day long without any rest!

So, let me show you some stuff..
Below it is a really cute wooden dog I found in the most chic hotel called Os Inconfidentes. I wish I could take him home!

The city has thousands of white flower trees. Look at our car!
It seems like a "just married" car!

Ok, when I loaded this picture, I thought it was me, but thats my sister.
Check out this store and the sculpture!

The sculpture below is a huge lion made of wood - ONE WOOD STALK!

Getting in the main part of the city! Its lovely!

A nice thing to do is to take a poney or a horse ride!
The poney is so cute and tiny!!

You can notice that NO HIGH HILL is needed. Please, tennis shoes are the best! Look at those little stones. It drove me crazy!

You can see that the architecture is really original and unique! All streets and houses are like the ones in the photo.

I stayed in a lovely and rustic hotel. This is my bathroom..

Check out the bathroom´s view!
I guess someone has made her dress dirty before the wedding! 

Here is a really artistc burrow in an art gallery

Check out these flowers with the white stripes.

Miniature dresses hanging sculptures.

Did you notice? That's a real iron!

Typicall food from Minas Gerais = Okra + chicken!
Minas Gerais is known for its food...cheese, milk sweets, cheese bread, guava sweet (goiabada) and the plate above!

As the houses' windows had a straight view to the streets. The ladies used to pass long times on the window flirting with the passengers! ;)
The position above reflects the most famous sculptures from Tiradentes - as Namoradeiras (the flirters)!

Above is the old prision. Tiradentes was confined in this prision.
Now, it is a museum. Its interesting to notice how small and simple it is.
Seems that the prisioners also could flirt to teh passengers!

Typicall food and drinks store. Here you could buy anything you want form alcoohol drinks and sweets.

Taking a walk..downtwon..


Main square with the horse rides on the side.

Art made out of offscourings. Interesting and disturbing store...
Check its interior below:

So, you think this is a free-nudity?
No way!
This black lady below is actually a alcoohol bottle if you take her head off..and her boobs are not free-nudity, they are just more space for drinks....

Here they are..the NAMORADEIRAS flirting!

I really liked the painintg above!

I just had to stand next to show how tiny he is!

The city has a rail that takes tourists to visit the places and also takes people from one city to another! Bummer...I got there and the last train was alreday gone!!!

The cutest namoradeira I found!
If I had a house, I would buy and put in my window..

Chec out this interetsng growing on the ruff..

Can you see that next to the church Matriz there are a little open cemetery. Every priest of this church was burried there!

This is a family portrait for remembrance!

I hope you liked.
This is a really interesting little city from Brazil. Small, really hot during the day, REALLY cold at night, filled with history and good food!

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