
July 14, 2010

Puerto Madero - My Trip to Buenos Aires

Night View

Puerto Madero was revigorated in 1989 when the govern decided to remodel it. Along with Recoleta it is one of the richest neighborhoods in Buenos Aires. I would suggest a late afternoon visit to it as the view and restaurants are great. You could take a walk and than eat something nice checking out the view and people passing by.

Puente de la Mujeres by the Spanish architecture Santiago Calatrava
who was inspired by tango dancers

Puerto Madero does not have much to do, but it has much to enjoy!

Here is a list of things you can do:

1. There are two floating museums: Corveta Uruguay and Fragata Sarmiento;

Fragata Sarmiento

2. Museum Fortabat, in front of Dick 4, is a modern building that holds Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat´s art collection. The collection has Argentine artists such as: Prilidiano Pueyrredon, Fernando Fader, Batlle Planas, Xul Xolar, Emilio Perorutti and Antonio Berni;

3. Ecologic Reserve Costanera Sur is the biggest green area of the city where 200 different espicies live. There are great walk and bike tours. The site is
I would strongly recomend a bike tour called La Bicicleta Naranja, which is a GREAT option for a different and healthy site-seeing. You can rent a bike and ride it through BsAs´ green areas (which are a lot, try Recoleta) or plan a bike tour. La Bicicleta Naranja has four different types of tours: north, south, aristocratic and lakes & green areas.

Ecologic Reserve

La Bicicleta Naranja tour group

4. Monument Juan M Fangio. There you go, it is below!
No need for WOWs. Next topic, please.

5. Faena Hotel + Universe is a charmful hotel in Puerto Madero and the most expensive hotel in the entire BsAs. It is really (but really) expensive. Its daily rates start at $500. If you dont have the money to stay there, you MUST enjoy its facilities. You dont need to be rich to seize the best ;)

Faena counts with a Library Lounge with live music (currently DJ Ale Lacroix) and all kinds of books to read. Also, there is a show house El Cabaret with Tango Shows, the special handpicked store La Boutique, two restaurants and one bistro, the PoolBar, for example. Visit the PoolBar at night, you ahve no idea how incredible is the lightning in the pool. It seems like a mirror.

The hotel was totally decorated by Philippe Starck, the creme-de-la-creme guy who is making tons of money. Check out the pictures:

 EL MERCADO - Faena´s Restaurant

Library Lounge

Pool Lounge

El Bistro

yes, unicorns! yeah, 12 of those!
Check out some examples of the Menu. It seems delicious!

The bad thing is that they come in French (pettit) portions!

Where to eat?

Tourists are always told to eat at Siga la Vaca, but I did not think it was that incredible. I dont undestand the fascination Argentines have with the Vaca (cow) word in restaurant names.

I would suggest the ones below:

El Mercado - Faena's restaurant
Carletto - italian food
Chila - this is a fresh NEW restaurant. Its cousine is comanded by Soledad Nardelli from Arts Culinaires - Lyon.
Cabana de las Lilas - Argentine barbecue. This is the one that everyone talks about. It is expensive, but really good.
Gourmet Porteno - It has an international menu and offers the traditional Argentine parrilla.
I Fresh Market - Inspired in NY delicatessen
Red Resto - French Cousine inside the Hotel Madero
Spell Cafe - Informal cafe

Here is a list of ALL restaurants in Puerto Madero! So, you can choose!

And here is a good piece of information: let´s understand the Argentine cow!
The famous meat are: bife de chorrizo (argentine cut beef) , bife angosto (porterhouse or strip steak), solomillo (lion, the fleshy and boneless part of the spine) and tapa de cuadril (rump cut).

Let me know if you need this image in larger version. I can e-mail ya!

Night Life?

There are three good things to do:

Asia de Cuba - nice restaurant that at 1am, just like a late Cinderella, transforms itself in a great night club. It is U$13 to enter including a drink. The bar just accepts cash!!!

Casino Puerto Madero - casinos are not allowed in the cities, but not in the sea. So, there you go! The casino has 100 game tables, 650 niquel machines, restaurants and bars. It is free to enter, but it costs to play (U$10 higher). You should dress in esporte fino, which means a "fine" daily wear, no flip flops or sandals, no t-shirts showing your arm pits...things like that.

Deep Blue Fun & Bars - an entertainment house with good food.


  1. Great review and wonderful pics of Buenos Aires! You surely have given a complete guide for those who are planning on going there!

  2. Hi, Thank you very much for your visits and your comments. I am glad!
    Please, keep checking there is much more to come on Recoleta, Palermo, Where to stay and Art in BsAs, for example.
    Thank you again!
    Marcela Lanna

  3. I will for sure use some of your tips when I visit BA. Only the cheapest ones...

  4. Hey! great pics!!
    Ypu remind me so much when a few years ago I stayed for a month in some apartments for rent Buenos Aires, and used to go almost everynight to Puerto Madero.. I loved that place
    thanks for sharing
    nice post :)
