
July 10, 2010

Leandro Erlich - My trip to Buenos Aires

Argentine Contemporary Artists
Artist #1

As you know, I am preparing a great series of special posts from my trip to Buenos Aires. It is intended to be an artful guide of this marvellous city. To access all posts related to Buenos Aires, click here!

I wanted to show a little about the contemporary argentine artists and I decided to start off with Leandro Erlich, one of the most internationally proeminent artists from Argentina.

Leandro has own lots of prizes and present a busy agenda filled with exhibitions at prestigious art centers around the world.

Leandro studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredon.
He has already participated in Biennal Whitney (New York); Biennal de Venecia; Biennal de la Havana; Biennal de Sao Paulo (Brazil); Museo del Barrio (New York); Centre d´Art Santa Monica (Barcelona). Currently, he lives and works in Buenos Aires.

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