
July 16, 2010

Anima Mundi - 18th Brazilian International Animation Festival (Part 1 of 3)

It starts on 16th of July the 18th edition of the Anima Mundi. The festival is a really important animation event in Brazil. It gathers activities such as master classes, speeches, animated talk, galeries, 3D showcase, Anima Forum, open studio in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte.

This year's guests are Cordell Barker, Daniel Greaves, Guilherme Marcondes and Stephen Hillenburg (executive producer of Nickelodeon´s SpongeBob SquarePants). They will talk about animation and share their experience and knowledge. If you are an animator, this is a great opportunity for showing your work and learn more about it.

The festival started in 1993. During the previous 83 years, the official number of produced animation films in Brazil was #174. After Anima Mundi began the number of films produced in Brazil increased to 2.600. Another great number to present here is that the festival had more than 6.000 films submitted to it.

I will post some of the films shown in the festival. This is the part I of Anima Mundi. Please, check for further videos.

The Cat Came Back (Cordell Barker)

Rise Above Plastics - Plastics Kill

Der Kleine und das Biest - Johannes Weiland; Uwe Heidschötter (Germany)

The Little Boy and the Beast from mic hic on Vimeo.

How to make a baby - Cassidy Curtis and Raquel Coelho (USA)

I loved all of them!

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