
June 30, 2010

San Telmo Part 1 - My Trip to Buenos Aires

San Telmo

Feira de San Telmo is an antique fair hosted in San Telmo's Plaza Dorrego every Sunday. It starts at 10am. Buenos Aires is filled with antiques and art, that's why it has the best auction offices like Christie's and Sotheby's.

During the weekends, Buenos Aires streets are desert. Its hard to find someone, you only see a few tourists. Buenos Aires has a high floating population which hits almost 15 million people during the week days and 4 million during the weekends. Lots of Argentines from satelite cities come to Buenos Aires to work during the week and go back home to their families on the weekends. Therefore, the streets are empty and desert during the weekends. Restrain yourself to a touristic araea shuch as San Telmo Fair.

The must see places in San Telmo are:

1. Museo Historico Nacional: If you want to know a little about the Argentine history, visit this place.

2. Centro Cultural Torquato Tasso: This is a nice cultural center which has a great nightlife with Tango and music shows. The center has tango and milonga classes for free. Check out their site for the prices and schedule.

3. Espacio Ecletico: Since 2001, this center hosts a variety of arts: theater, music, dance, cinema, visual arts, for examplo. In August, its is the address of a famous fair called Feria de Libros de Fotos de Autor, which brings together lost of photographers.

4. La Trastienda Club is one of the most demanded night houses for nacional and internacional shows. This is a really happy choice. If you like music, you will have fun!

Group Agarrate Catalina

George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic

5. Maldita Milonga is a GREAT night option on Mondays and Wednesdays. You need to get there at 9pm to have a fun tango class and then the show starts at 11pm. I listened to an interesting Tango band called Orquestra Tipica El Afronte. Professional and not-so-professional Tango dancers join the dance floor for a good sweaty night. I would say that this is a great informal show for who wants to see Argentines dancing and having fun. The entrace is $20,00 pesos.


1 comment:

  1. I´m very excited about going to Argentina!!, im leaving in three days, so i have to rent an apartment in Buenos Aires. I saw a lot of pictures of San Telmo and love it!, its very interesting!
    I wanna go to La Trastienda club to see "7 delfines" October 2
