
June 28, 2010

New Film and Photography Guest Columnist Alex Ingram

Hello my name is Alex, creator of the blog, Tux & Tie.
When I got an e-mail from Marcela asking me to become a guest blogger for The Art Reference I was incredibly enthusiastic! It is amazing to see that my blog has viewers worldwide and I appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to check out my site! I have been asked to contribute a weekly posting for The Art Reference and I thought what better to display then the new weekly video project I have just started documenting my internship at TrailerPark and ArtMachine in Hollywood, CA.

If you are a fan of the American film industry I am sure you know that nearly everything we produce in entertainment comes straight out of Hollywood. I am currently working for a company that handles a great deal of L.A.'s movie trailers, photography, design etc. This video gives a look at what I see on my day to day of the internship.

Check it out, leave feedback, and I hope to respond to any questions and comments.

               from Alex Ingram on Vimeo.

* This post was written by our new film and photography Guest Columnist Alex Ingram.
Welcome Alex!!

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