
May 14, 2010

Intoxicated by possibility

This is a cartoon by Hugh McLeod. His work was featured in one of the firsts posts of this blog. I always get amazed by his witted thoughts and simple drawings. I beleive the one above is a true reality for every artist. There are so many paths, possibilities and connections that lots of time we can´t even start of finish a project, because of the delighfulness of the other choices.

The paradigma of the other choice is self-provoking. We choose a path wether it is to teach painting, draw cartoons, record an independent album, and the other choice we had in the way seems easier and more enriching that you caught yourself wondering " what if ".

Know that the path you´ve chosen is the best one, because it is a dream becoming true through your action and passion. Stick to it and be happy. "What ifs" are just a red apple tempting you.

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