
April 9, 2010

Rodolpho Parigi - Brazilian Painter

The Group 2000&8 was appointed by managize Veja as the promissing artists in the city of Sao Paulo (Brazil) what concerns painting, sculpture and collage. Ana Elisa Egreja, Bruno Dunley, Marcos Brias, Marina Rheingentz, Regina Parra, Renata de Bonis, Rodolpho Parigi and Rodrigo Bivar are those eight artists.
One painter that particularly called my attention was Rodolpho Parigi. He decided to become a painter with 25 years old during a sabbatic trip to Spain where he cried for 7 hours straight in front of a Rubens painting. Back to Brazil, he got a scholarship at FAAP, a prestigous university in Sao Paulo and, from that moment on, he has dedicated each minute to painting. In 2009, he was selected for Cité of Arts, an artistic residency in Paris.
Rodolpho is now 31 years old, he lives at Aclimacao neighborhood with his family, his mom is a needlewoman, his paintings range from 5.000 to 20.000 reais, he is loaded of painting requests and life is good!

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