
April 24, 2010

How to stand out from the clutter?

How to get the attention of your consumers? Nowadays, there are so many ad interruptions and product/service choices, that it is really hard to make YOURSELF or your product stand out from the crowd.

Seth Godin makes a point in his speech at the Business of Software conference:

1. Most professionals are solving a problem that people don't think they have, so they are not looking for a solution, for your solution. Therefore, you are invisible.
2. We are in a hiper-clutter momment. Where it used to be 3 options of drinks, now there are 3.000. Cullter is not your friend, principally, for small companies.
3. People are too busy with ads they get wether they want it or not.
4. You or your product should be worth make a remark about.
5. You or your product should matter, you should make yourself or your product worth talking about.
6. Explore the direct communication.
7. Create a direct users business because every interaction with your customer is a "change for a up or down."
8. Give people something to talk about, for that you should build the story, live the story, bring up the story. All types of sellers are story tellers.
9. When you give people lots of choices, they take it. They want personalized services or products that fullfills their needs.
10. Consumers are connected to consumer. Users are connected to users. The model of connecting users to eachother is how you are going to grow.
11. Your effort should not be in "how many" people you ad to, but "who" you reach.
12. Share of wallet is way easier than share of market. Go for the share of wallet.
13. The people who is failluring are the ones who do not acknowledge that commitment comes before success.
14. Make it easier for people to integrate to your tribe.
15. A tribe is an identity that stands for something that matters.

Resume Cicle:

Be remarkable > Integrate and connect deeply with customers > Tell a story to your sneezers > Provide tools for the story to be told > Customers connect to eachother through tribes > Customers connect to customers > Customers spread the word > They persuade others > You get permission to tell another story

* These insights were collect from Seth Godin´s speach in the link above.

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