Two weekends ago, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) fianlly received a most deserved gift of all. Rio steps out of the shadow of São Paulo’s art world prominence this week as the launch of ArtRio.
In this first edition, ArtRio brings to Rio’s port region the collections of some 80 national and international galleries, ranging from the modernist avant-garde to contemporary art, with many works never before seen in Brazil.
The event also includes the Art Video Program, by curator Alberto Saraiva, and the Solo Project Program, by curators Julieta Gonzalez (co-curator of Latin American art at the Tate Modern) and art dealer Pablo Leon de la Barra, who will gather artworks by a select team of 15 foreign artists, produced especially for the Fair.
Organizers Brenda Valansi Osorio and Elisangela Valadares (picture), experienced artist and gallerist respectively, were inspired by the vibrant art festival feel of the Miami Basel art fair. It’s an appropriate inspiration for ArtRio, as Brenda explains to The New Yorrk: “There’s a similarity between the cities, with the tropical themeand tourism…you can see that Miami Basel really benefits the city culturally and economically which is something we want for Rio too.”
I can say that the fair received the huge response it did from the public because of the partnership with two Brazilian multi-millionaires from the entertainment business, Alexandre Accioly (below) and Luiz Calainho (left).

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I had the privilege to visit the fair and spend there almost 7 hours.
Here are some pictures.
I hope you like!!!
Adriana Varejao @ Athena Gallery Art
Pinakotheke Cultural Gallery
Pavillon #2 @ 2pm - opening time
Outside the PIER
Book Store where the seminars were held.
Really nice book selection.
Marcos Lopez from Spain @ Il Museo - Fernando Pradilla
Moises Mahiques
OsGEMEOS - Brazilian Grafitti Artists
José Bento @ Celma Albuquerque Galeria de Arte
Luiz Hermano @ Amparo 60
Approved and Denied Stamp
Sex Symbols with the hands
Os Gemeos
Cicero Dias´ Atelie
Cícero Dias is one of the foremost contemporary Brazilian painters. His work can be said to pass through distinct moments, although it does not follow a rigorous chronology and neither are the periods entirely mutually exclusive. In the first phase he approaches fantasy art. From 1940 he envolved slowly towards the abstract, to return to the figurative in the 1960′s.
The one that I most liked is the one on top with the piano.
Icon Ferrari @ DAN Galeria
Vicento do Rego Monteiro
Emiliano Augusto Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Melo (September 6, 1897–October 26, 1976), known as Di Cavalcanti, was a Brazilian painter who sought to produce a form of Brazilian art free of any noticeable European influences. His wife was the painter Noêmia Mourão, who would be an inspiration in his works in the later 1930s.
Lassar Segal
Silvan Nunes
Marcos Di Giorgio
Jeseus Soto
Fernando Botero
(check my previous post about Botero)
Fernando Botero
Fernando Botero
Fernando Botero
Fernando Botero
José Patrício
José Patrício
Artur Luiza Piza
Piza´s works illustrates SARAMAGO´s books.
Samarago is the author of Blindness which turned out into a Hollywood movie.
Cicero Dias
Mouri Patmi
Free herbal tea at the fair
I tried one to make me calm !!!
Uhul. Foda-se and Não fode as my friend said are great lines to know in Portuguese.
Hope you liked it. I did !!!!