
August 27, 2011

Special Topics on Calamity Physics - Marisha Pessl

Brazilian Cover
I have to say its much better than the original one

You can call me crazy, but I saw that book in a Bookstore next to my house and I was really curious about it.
After reading its review, I decided I wanted to read. However, the book was really expensive here in Brazil (R$65,00 = which would be $32,00), so I decided to wait. Soon enough, the Bookstore went out of business and sold every book really cheap. A bad news are always followed by a good ones. Or the other way around. I preferred the bookstore. Oh Well!

The book became a metro book for me, that's how I call the books I read during the 45 minutes on the daily metro (1,3 hours total). Usually I read fast books, poems or short stories are preferred. They are faster and easier to read with all those people, music and noise around.

Anyway, I am slowly reading Special Topics on Calamity Physics on my way to work and I am finding it really nice. The narrative is amazing. The tone is ironic and slightly funny. The story is a mystery.

"Dazzling," (People) "Exuberant," (Vogue) "marvelously entertaining," (The Dallas Morning News) Marisha Pessl's mesmerizing debut has critics raving and heralds the arrival of a vibrant new voice in American fiction. At the center of this "cracking good read"4 is clever, deadpan Blue van Meer, who has a head full of literary, philosophical, scientific, and cinematic knowledge. But she could use some friends. Upon entering the elite St. Gallway school, she finds some-a clique of eccentrics known as the Bluebloods. One drowning and one hanging later, Blue finds herself puzzling out a byzantine murder mystery. Nabokov meets Donna Tartt (then invites the rest of the Western Canon to the party) in this novel-with "visual aids" drawn by the author-that has won over readers of all ages.

Publishers Weekly:
Starred Review. Pessl's showy (often too showy) debut novel, littered as it is with literary references and obscure citations, would seem to make an unlikely candidate for a successful audiobook. Yet actor and singer Emily Janice Card (a North Carolina native like the author) has a ball with Pessl's knotty, digressive prose, eating up Pessl's array of voices, impressions and asides like an ice-cream sundae. Card reads as if she is composing the book as she goes along, with a palpable sense of enjoyment present in almost every line reading. Her girlish voice, immature but knowing, is the perfect sound for Pessl's protagonist and narrator Blue van Meer, wise beyond her years even as she stumbles through a disastrous final year of high school. Card brings out the best in Pessl's novel and papers over its weak spots as ably as she can. 

August 6, 2011

MY MEMORY LAND (one of my paintings)

Hi, I present you one of my paintings called MY MEMORY LAND and its phrases!
Hope you like it ! memory land...
eternity had a past • the hungry then the moral • if the past taught you to kiss like this, thanks for the ones before me • always the same white sun • keep legs and mouth shut • did this life really exist or did I make it up? • your glory is smoke • a good thing is shower • heal me from being old • there is only one truth and only one lie • is the dark hard or soft? • to forget you is more difficult then to stand you • your little was good • the experience killed the idea • to get lost is a way • where does the time I lost go? • or I am a saint or I am a wacko • I found out that each one of us is diverse • a long time ago, I used to turn into an angel in May • you are more defenseless than a fat naked lady • come to the table or it will get cold • is there bread in the sky, mom? • it is the life of the things • the insconscience is the fundament of life • is the heart could think it would stop • the stars lie light • who gives love looses love? • the trip is the traveler • what we see is what we are • scribble your eyes (expression for: go date!) • I got a music box as a gift • it is not a question of calendar, it is a question of breathing • my words work for my reality, your words work for your reality, se we decide to exchange words they will loose their value • likes and dislikes are arguable • end a period with an exclamation • I would love so much if I didn’t fear • you are where you are most missed • I love you the size of this whole world • I decided to be happy and I became • the solution is the ménage • cry, my eyes • I wet my brushes in my soul´s water • do not bargain with an artist • we kill time and it kills us • have they say sorry for you? • did you live the years you have? • craziness • I believe in smurfs • Is it so difficult to understand me? • soul swings • when it hurts I scream “ai” • sometimes I cry smiling • I am just like a sweeper in the fall • I wanted to eat your desire • I like hot brownies with vanilla ice cream • I just pray in the shower • look at the person beside you and observe his strangeness • how is the dwarfs´ life? • how long does the night last? • give me a true answer and I could love you • if I was asked about the beauty of life, I would talk about a little flower I once saw • I can clearly live without knowing me • I like wet hair •yes, this handwriting is mine • to comprehend is difficult, to accept is impossible • I just had to say • it must be hard be poor • high hill kills • I farted specially for you • tell me sky, do you know my half? • turn off the stars and let me sleep • everything seems so untied • I returned my entrance ticket • I don’t know what else I can do • have I said I love you in this canvas? • I wonder if I know how to go back home from here • it’s late to say goodbye • no one knows a pleasure of an elevator’s love • they say that teen is the best time • I always say I am ok • I don’t know about the dangerous of the streets • no, I don’t have a cigarette • how much is worth your hour of work? • i know its hard to pray, but i just do it • you know I think you’re cute • half of the people are divided • there is no way you can know someone’s real intentions • amen • I don’t know why every day needs to end, does everything have to? • my nails grow • I have no ideas what I am writing so far • I wanted to suspend my head • today was not worth • I know I am one, but they want me to be more, always more • and that’s how my Sunday ended • sixteenth of September ___________________________________