
April 27, 2011

The F-Factor by Trend

Amidst the avalanche of articles and insights on social commerce, we bring you THE F-FACTOR, which is all about how friends, fans & followers greatly influence consumers’ purchasing decisions in ever-more sophisticated ways.

So much has been said about social media and the rise of social commerce as the new marketing frontier that we’re not going to (re)make the social case here. Instead, we’ll focus on how the influence of friends, fans, and followers on consumers’ purchasing decisions continues to become more sophisticated and thus more powerful. Let’s call it the F-FACTOR:

THE F-FACTOR | Consumers are increasingly tapping into their networks of friends, fans, and followers to discover, discuss and purchase goods and services, in ever-more sophisticated ways. As a result, it's never been more important for brands to make sure they too have the F-FACTOR.

Why is the F-FACTOR important to consumers? It offers the promise of a consumption arena* that is more efficient, more relevant, and more interesting than before, where consumers either had to spend endless time and effort on trying to discover the best of the best, or had to rely on sources that were distant, unknown or untrusted (read: brand-driven), and therefore potentially unreliable or irrelevant.
Of course, consumption has always been social: people have forever been influenced by what those around them think and buy. KellerFay, a US word of mouth marketing research consultancy, estimates that there are nearly one trillion conversations about brands every year in the US alone. But, just as with so many consumer trends, while the core consumer behavior isn’t new, technological developments are unlocking new manifestations of that behavior, which here amplify its importance and impact. Indeed, the F-FACTOR is being fueled by new tools and platforms available to both consumers and brands, and by the sheer numbers of people now using and contributing to these tools.

Note: This Trend Briefing focuses on the new ways consumers’ purchasing decisions are being influenced by their friends, followers and other people they “know”. For more on consumers who actually contribute, see our 11 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2011, where we looked briefly at the rise of SOCIAL-LITES, and the phenomenon of why consumers are increasingly becoming curators; actively broadcasting, remixing, compiling, commenting, sharing and recommending their purchases and experiences to both their friends and wider audiences. Hint: it’s it all to do with the changing STATUSPHERE, as always ;-)

Just a few recent stats demonstrating the reach and power of the F-FACTOR:
  • The F-FACTOR is currently dominated by Facebook, as over 500 million active users spend over 700 billion minutes a month on the site. (Source: Facebook, April 2011)
  • And its impact isn’t just on Facebook itself. Every month, more than 250 million people engage with Facebook across more than 2.5 million external websites. (Source: Facebook, April 2011)
  • The average user clicks the ‘Like’ button 9 times each month. (Facebook, 2010)
And a couple of brand-related, F-FACTOR stats:
  • Three quarters of Facebook users have 'Liked' a brand. (Source: AdAge/ Ipsos, February 2011)
  • Juicy Couture found that their product purchase conversion rate increased by 160% after installing social sharing features (Source: CreateTheGroup, February 2011)
  • Incipio Technologies, a gadget accessory retailer, found that referrals from Facebook had a conversion rate double the average (Source: Business Insider, March 2011)
  • But it’s not just about Facebook. Take for example the explosive rise of the daily deal site Groupon, which used referrals from friends and colleagues to drive sales of over 40 million deals in the two and a half years since it launched in November 2008, via email ;-)
So, here are just five of the ways that the F-FACTOR influences consumption behavior:
  1. F-DISCOVERY: How consumers discover new products and services by relying on their social networks.
  2. F-RATED: How consumers will increasingly (and automatically) receive targeted ratings, recommendations and reviews from their social networks.
  3. F-FEEDBACK: How consumers can ask their friends and followers to improve and validate their buying decisions.
  4. F-TOGETHER: How shopping is becoming increasingly social, even when consumers and their peers are not physically together.
  5. F-ME: How consumers’ social networks are literally turned into products and services.
* This Trend Briefing is about the impact of consumers’ social connections on how they find, decide and purchase: i.e. what happens when consumption is increasingly social, rather than the personalized retailing opportunities on social networks (which is currently still the main focus of F-COMMERCE). For more on this see the excellent Social Commerce Today.

One final caveat: there are a whole host of ways in which consumers are influenced by other consumers, from collaborative filtering and ‘social’ or collective intelligence models. But to try and save this from turning into a book, this briefing will focus on consumers’ existing or explicit social networks.

Consumers’ ongoing obsession with owning or experiencing the best of the best and their desire for serendipity, excitement, interaction and community, explains the pull of F-DISCOVERY. People are curious and interested in what their friends and contacts think, do, eat, read, listen to, drive in, travel to and buy, because often this will be similar to how they want to think, act and buy.

No surprise then that consumers are embracing communities, tools and apps that allow them to dive into and discover selections from friends, fans, followers and so on.

  • Polyvore bills itself as ‘a community of tastemakers’, where users can clip products from around the web and compile them into virtual ‘looks’ or sets which can be shared across social networks. The site also features sets from brands and celebrities, with users able to follow, like and buy desired items.
  • is a personalized shopping site from Google where users can establish their own collection of favorite items from around the web.
  • Users of Thefind, the shopping search engine, can ‘Shop Like Friends’, and view their Facebook friends’ tastes and preferences.
  • A number of extensions make it increasingly easy for consumers to see exactly what their friends 'Like' around the web: check out, which shows users what their friends have liked across a number of the most popular sites, or LikeJournal, which stores users' and their friends' likes.
  • Belgian magazine Flair launched their fashiontag Facebook app in March 2011. The app enables users to tag photos of friends’ clothes and ask them where they had bought them. Within a week, the magazine’s number of fans increased by 35%, from 17,000 to 23,000. (via AdAge)
  • Kaboodle, Svpply, Fancy and Nuji all help users to discover new products from apparel to art that have been selected by fellow consumers.
  • Canadian shoppers can use ItSpot’s iPhone apps to discover what fellow shoppers nearby are buying. The apps cover a number of cities, and include details of local promotions as well as shopping tips from local Shoppingistas.
  • In November 2010, and Hunch joined forces to create their GiftFinder app, which logs into Facebook and suggests suitable gifts for friends based on the information in their profile pages. The company said the conversion rate was up to 60% higher than when users were shown generic recommendations.

While consumers sometimes enjoy finding the best of the best through discovery, they are increasingly able to access personalized recommendations and reviews on something they know they want to purchase. In fact, expect more and more sites to automatically serve up friends’ recommendations, ratings and reviews* next to goods and services that people are researching

In April 2010, Levi's was the first big brand to integrate its online store with Facebook, allowing shoppers to view which products their friends had ‘liked’, interact with them and create a 'like minded shopping' experience.

Facebook’s Instant Personalization project moves this beyond Facebook itself, by enabling users to have content that their friends have liked or recommended highlighted on other websites. Partner sites include local review site Yelp, music site Pandora, Microsoft’s search engine Bing and travel site Trip Advisor. The Trip Advisor tie in, launched in December 2010, means that visitors to the travel site who are logged into Facebook see their friends’ reviews first, as well as being able to quickly view which of their friends have been to particular cites. Friends can also message each other quickly for additional travel tips.
  • Amazon launched a feature in July 2010 that allows users to integrate their Facebook and Amazon accounts. The feature allows Amazon to connect through to a user's social network and base recommendations upon the information found in his/her Facebook profile. Moreover, the feature also informs users of friends' most popular books, DVDs and musicians and also reminds them of birthdays and gift suggestions
    • Similarly, Google’s +1 feature, launched in March 2011, brings personalization to search results, by allowing users to ‘+1’ results. These are then shared with an individual’s Google contacts, and highlighted in their search results. Google’s stated aim for the project: enabling users to help each other out in choosing the best and most relevant results.
* Privacy concerns are of course the elephant in the room here. Ensuring that consumers maintain control and choice over when and where their information ends up is one of the big challenges for brands. But that’s for another briefing. In the meantime, check out the Wall Street Journal’s excellent (if scary) What They Know feature.

Over the last decade, online reviews have greatly empowered consumers (see TRANSPARENCY TRIUMPH). But anonymous reviews aren’t always what consumers need or want; they can lack relevance and context, and consumers with many options sometimes just want an unambiguous, or finite opinion.
Which is where F-FEEDBACK comes in: consumers actively disclosing their purchasing intentions and reaching out to their friends and contacts for personalized feedback.

Some indicators:
•Product recommendations from family (63%) and friends (31%) are the most trusted. However 81% of US consumers now go online to do additional research, with 55% looking for user reviews, and 10% soliciting advice from their social networks. However amongst people aged 25-34, this figure rises to 23%. (Source: Cone Inc, June 2010)

•90% of people trust the recommendations of their Facebook friends (Source: ExactTarget, August 2010)

•31% of daily Twitter users ask their followers for opinions about products and services. (Source: Edison Research & Arbitron Internet, April 2010)

One more key driver here: with more and more consumers increasingly viewing their online reputation as something to enhance as well as just protect, the quality of answers on Q&A services is rapidly improving. Some examples:

•Facebook Questions was recently redesigned to focus on helping people ask their friends (rather than the whole Facebook community).
•Sites such as StackExchange and Quora allow users to follow topics and other users, building detailed databases of questions and answers that are tagged and publicly searchable.

•LoveThis is a user review website for people to write tips and recommendations to share among friends on their network.

•Travel Q&A sites Gogobot and Hotel Me are trying to bridge the gap between known friends (who are trusted but may not have the answer) and wider audiences
•Visa’s RightCliq is an online shopping tool that enables consumers to save potential purchases in their ‘Wishspace’, which can be shared with friends for feedback.
• offers consumers a platform to connect with their friends and others who wish to share product recommendations or purchases. The website enables users to 'shout' out a question regarding a product in order to receive feedback from their community of trusted advisors.

•Online price comparison site Twenga launched a feature in April 2011 that allowed users to instantly pose questions to their social networks.

Due to the continued spread of smartphones, F-FEEDBACK can happen in real-time too:

•The Tweet Mirror enables customers to send snaps of themselves to friends and followers directly from the fitting room.
•In Spain, Diesel hooked up cameras in their stores to Facebook, allowing customers to post photos of themselves trying on clothes to their profiles for instant feedback from their friends.

•From September to November 2010, Macy’s Magic Fitting Room enabled shoppers at the brand’s New York flagship store to virtually ‘try on’ items via an augmented reality ‘mirror’ and then post the results to Facebook.

•Go Try It On takes this concept one step further, by providing a platform for users to ask not just their friends for feedback, but the site’s community for their opinions on their outfits

More and more online consumers are also sharing and discussing potential purchases with their friends in real-time:

•WetSeal, the US fashion retailer, has a ‘Shop With Friends’ feature, similar to toy retailer Mattel’s ShopTogether

•Shop With Your Friends, a Dutch startup has developed a tool that enables consumers to shop online together in real-time.

•Quorus Discuss is a plugin that any online vendor can install that allows users to chat and discuss products with friends.

•In November 2010, Cisco encouraged consumers to use their WebEx tool to share their desktops with friends on Cyber Monday, the post-Thanksgiving day when many US retailers launch online promotions

While group-buying platforms such as Groupon are revolutionizing local retail (see our PRICING PANDEMONIUM trend), consumers usually don’t actually know the other members of the group that they’re buying with. So, while consumers get to leverage the power of the web to benefit from better deals, the actual shopping experience frequently lacks the F-FACTOR. Consumers, of course, have strong incentives to share certain purchases, especially for F-FACTOR-friendly experiences such as buying event tickets: what’s not to like about automatically inviting friends to a concert or movie right after purchasing a ticket?
•83% of consumers state that they tell their friends if they get a good deal. (Source: JWT Intelligence, December 2010)

•Facebook announced in April 2011 that every time a user posts on Facebook about buying a ticket from Ticketmaster, the company estimates they receive an extra USD 5.30. (Source: New York Times, April 2011)

•Eventbrite, the event ticketing site, found that users are 10 times more likely to share details of events they have bought tickets to (than those events they are still considering whether to buy). The ticket sales generated by people who share details of purchased events are 20% higher than if they haven’t yet bought tickets. The site estimates that the value of a Facebook share is USD 2.53. (Source: Eventbrite, March 2011)

So, expect to see more tools that help consumers easily share and co-ordinate relevant purchases with their close friends and family, but for now we’ll just highlight a few:

•Disney’s Tickets Together Facebook app enables users to buy theater tickets directly from Facebook, posts details of the screening on a user’s wall and enables them to invite friends to buy tickets.

•Indian consumers can do something similar with ticket site BookMyShow’s Ticket Buddy Facebook app.

•Ebay’s Group Gifts feature, launched in November 2010, allows users to invite friends to split the cost of a gift. The application integrates with Facebook to allow friends to be privately invited, while information from the recipient’s profile can even be used to suggest suitable gifts.

The F-FACTOR also makes possible personalized products and services based on the activities and output of one’s social network:
  • Flipboard is an app that integrates tweets and updates into a single, personalized online magazine. Launched in July 2010, the free app automatically creates a magazine from the user's social content, letting readers quickly flip through the latest stories, photos and updates from friends and trusted sources. Links and images are rendered right in the digital magazine, so users no longer have to scan long lists of posts and click on link after link; instead, they instantly see all the stories, comments and images in one place.
  • March 2011 saw the launch of LinkedIn Today, a socially curated news homepage for users that rounds up the stories and links that are being read, shared and discussed by a user’s network.
  • Newsle is a tool that launched in public beta in April 2011 that alerts users to public news articles about members of their social networks from Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • ‘Personal search engine’ Greplin launched publicly in February 2011. The search engine scans across a user's personal and social accounts including: Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and Google Docs, enabling users to locate any desired information that may be scattered across their social media network, whenever they want it.

  • US based PostPost, launched in December 2010, is a free application that turns one's Facebook page into a digital newspaper. Users connect the application via the PostPost site, which enables it to link to Facebook and create a presentation of their news feed in the traditional format of a newspaper
Oh, and check out these very ‘sign of the times’ F-ME examples of consumers literally turning their friends and followers into actual physical products and services:
  • Twournal enables users of Twitter to transform their tweets and pictures into a real-life published journal. In addition to creating their own 'books', users can also buy and sell publications from other users.
  • US based CrowdedInk offers an app that allows users to generate mugs filled with pictures of their Facebook friends or Twitter followers. Users only need to enter their username and a preview of the mug is automatically generated in minutes.
  • Social Print Studio can provide the analogue equivalent to the online album. The site creates posters generated from Facebook friends’ profile pictures, Facebook photo albums, Twitter followers, and even Tumblr accounts.
  • Kunst Buzz, a Dutch art company has started producing Twitter art where users’ tweets make up their portrait.
With the F-FACTOR a growing force in the consumption arena, ultimately the only way for brands to succeed is to be liked (literally ;-) if not loved, and this liking and loving comes from superior performance. In that sense, the Perform or Perish theme is stronger than ever, and underscores that while the F-FACTOR is currently playing out in the online arena first and foremost, this is in the end about business at large.

The F-FACTOR is about being so exceptional that consumers will find and ultimately choose you, without you as a brand having to do anything extra. It’s not about bribing or even compelling people to “Like” your Facebook page. This is something of course, which brands that truly have the F-FACTOR don’t have to worry about.

So, for all ‘F-entrepreneurs', this space is still wide open: simply come up with new tools and platforms that help consumers help each other to discover, discuss and buy the best of the best. For B2C brands, it's time to deliver innovations, products, campaigns and experiences that truly have the F-FACTOR.
In the meantime we’re working hard on our June Trend Briefing, which will cover a dozen ‘mini-trends’ dying to be applied straight away. Do tell your friends and followers ;-)


April 25, 2011

Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan, John King & Halee Fischer-Wright

Today, I finished another book called Tribal Leadership. Actually, I finish listening to its e-book (MP3).
I believe it can be really useful for people who want to lead tribes and groups for a noble cause.

I hope you like my summary which emphazises the tribal stages, its descriptions and advises on leader's actions:

Book Highlights

> Tribal is the powerful vehicles. The culture is the trigger.
> Tribal more than 150 people.
> Exist more Stage 2 then Stage 3 in organizations.
> The essence of leadership is to get people to do things they know it is in their self interest.
> Most of all that are seeing like successful are just survivors.
> “If you wait first, you are last”
> A huge part of playing the game is to know how to phrase what you want
> “I teach, I do lectures, speeches, everyone applauds and feels really excited, but I after they leave no one is changed. Nothing changed in people’s lives. My impact is far less than I idealized. No action is done through the messages I gave. How can I motivate people to act?”
> Only in stage 5 the need of a competitive / adversary goes away
> Awareness comes before any action or feelings
> Coaching is to let the ideas create an awareness how things can be different for you and others
> “If you category any propose in the world it would be to help someone. What is the reason anyone is here. If you have to shortly define humanity, it would be it”
> Transformation begins with accepting things exactly as they are and as they are not

References mentioned in the Book

* Spiral Dynamics by Don Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan
* Geeks and Geezers by Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas
* The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli (Maquiavel)

Tribal Stages

1. Mind-set for “Life Sucks”
Violence, aggression, isolated gangs, own rules, no loyalty, alienated, verbal abuse, vandalism, no point to value or morality, give in the reality of the situation, hostility, only see continue despair.

2. My Life Sucks
Passive antagonist, no passion, sarcasm, cluster of pathetic victims, avoid accountability, no innovation, no follow up on ideas, disconnected from organizations concerns, no initiative or passion, passive aggrieves behavior, no amount of time or effort would help the situation, this tribe is an unending well of unmet needs, rights, disappointments and repressed anger, offended behavior is not tolerated, apathy, do the minimum amount of work to get by, nothing changes, sarcasm, resignation, people blame lack of education, poor social network, lack of political skill, unsupportive spouse, it is contagious, complaint addicted, miserable.

3. I am great and You are not
Knowledge is power, winning is personal, outthink competitor in daily basis, ambition, skilled, don’t have enough time, individual basis, no amount of team players will make them a tribe, people engage easily on projects but when you observe closely they only think about themselves, focus on appearing smarter, no team concerns, personal interests, don’t bring people together, don’t share information.
Leverage point: Addictive hit they get from winning, do more talking, know more and disclose less than others mean power, use the info in the best interest, think they are in stage 4, focus on time management, obsession with self, lone ranger.
4. We are great and They are not
Eye contact, overall vibe is tribal pride, seek its own competitor, leader is the one with influence over the target, the bigger the fowl more powerful the tribe, common propose, adhoc parternership.

5. Life is great
Committed to shared values; do not tolerate certain behaviors, language evolve into infinity potential, innocent wonderment, miraculous innovations, vision, leadership and inspiration, don’t refer to the competition, commitment to the organization values are so important as their own, no work place conflict, the results make history.

Tribal Leader´s Actions

Stage 1

  1. Never give up at anyone
  2. Listen & Listen carefully
  3. Understand the others perspective
  4. Get them evolved in clubs with mentor and professors
  5. Give up the language and practices of a Tribe and adopt the other

Leverage point:
  1. Encourage to go where the action is (groups, meeting, societies, associations)
  2. Encourage to see and know ways where life works (example, inspiration)
  3. Encourage to cut ties to the people in Tribe Stage 1.

Stage 2

  1. You can’t attack or try to make better the subject of their complaints. They will just find others.
  2. Talk the language of the stage above
  3. Explain you see potential in the person
  4. Spot the one that want to be different and work one-by-one
  5. Build trust in your intentions and confidence in the abilities
  6. Spend time directing with specific actions

Leverage points:
1.Encourage to establish dyadic (two person relationship)
2.Encourage to establish relationship in Stage
3. In one-o-one session show areas of competencies with positive tone
Assign project that he does well in a short period of time

Stage 3

  1. Tribal success is more important than personal success
  2. Create blind spots to make people
  3. Be hungry for tool, tips and techniques.
  4. Values are not personal but collective
  5. Break the illusion of “We are great”
  6. Learn business but without the ME focus
  7. Have or introduce vision and values
  8. Learn and get a top degree program
  9. Find a mentor at stage 4

Leverage points:
  1. Encourage him to be a part of projects bigger than anything he can do alone.
  2. Ensure or assign him works that require partnership
  3. Point out that his success came from his own level of commitment, but show him that what brought him to this point will not be enough to move him forward. He will need another mind-set and style.
  4. Describe role model ideals in the company (# of triads in the network, successful that comes from groups, collective mind set)
  5. Tell stories of the time you made the transition from stage 3 to stage 4
  6. Coach him that real power does not come from knowledge but from networks. Show him that there is much leverage in wisdom than from information.
  7. Help him to know that his goals require help from other people
  8. Encourage him to overcommunicate.
  9. Encourage him to communicate with transparency

You will decide through your goal settings if you need to go from Stage 3 (win) to Stage 4 (higher impact).


Epiphany (Awakening Moment)

Ø  “So now, what are you going to do?”
The turning point in the life, professionally and personally, with no turning back.

Epiphany #1: Soul searching
Epiphany #2: How can I fix this? (Awareness of a need of different way of operation)
Epiphany #3: System of Stage 3 develops no true followers, hence no legacy. When you operate in                     stage 4 you can have individual legacy.
Epiphany #4: Realizes the impact he aims is not
Epiphany #5: Realizes the mind-set “I, me and my system” does not work
Epiphany #6: View the world and the others in the eyes of others
Epiphany #7: The situation can not be fixed, but abandoned.
Epiphany #8: What’s the real goal? Make impact in a larger group of people.
                       The ego hit of an accomplishment is not the same as success itself. His attention shifts n                          to what is really important to his and almost always the goal is tribal.
Epiphany #9: The more the group succeeds, the more I succeed.
Epiphany #10: Speak for the tribe, in the name of the tribe.


Stage 4 – “I am because we are”


  1. Today I share with you, because tomorrow you will share with me.
* Ubuntu: is an ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other. The word has its origin in the Bantu languages of southern Africa. Ubuntu is seen as a classical African concept meaning "I am what I am because of who we all are."
      2.   Innovation, communication, fun, collaboration
      3.   A company is only as strong as the culture of its tribes.
            * Example company: IDEO – Design Consulting
      4.   Stage 4 requires a different mind-set and behavior
      5.   The tribes become before profits and relationships before the business models.
      6.   A small group of people can be a seed group
      7.   Everyone seems equals
      8.   The hard part is to start a tribal
      9.   The business has to truly measure its values.
    10.   The physical space/design should match the values. The future of corporate commercial     architecture must hold hands with the future of collaborative culture.
    12.   Clients should be partners.
    13.   Start of with a common set of values (communication, ethics, competition, quality,            collaboration, great value).
    14.   Pride ties actions to success
    15.   Values: Communication, Collaboration, partnership, innovation, making a difference, dignity,       respect and learning Aiming to reach the Accomplishment.


Leader should:

  1. Show example when applying the rules to everyone. All rules should work in advance of the tribe.
  2. Tribal leader don’t back down from difficult decisions. Stick to the principles.
  3. Focus on we give the credit to others as a collaborator.
  4. Encourage wild ideas.
  5. Stay focused
  6. Be visual
  7. Should have a tribal antenna – find people
  8. Focus com collective success
  9. Identify core values and Align on a noble cause
  10. Hire and promote according to the values, not only skills.
  11. Make the values tangible.
  12. Find values that unit people to reach a common identity.
  13. Talk about the values with employers; align them with the practices of the companies.
  14. Tribal reactions indicate the moment when the values become real.
  15. Find expressions of core values to achieve outcomes.
  16. The moment of truth: living values is not easy. Commitment to values requires courage.
  17. Find a noble cause to unite the values. It can capture the Tribal’s ultimate aspirations.
  18. Everyone got to win with the values.
  19. A noble cause represents the earning of a tribal, technique accuracy isn’t important. Most people align on the Vision. A noble cause is a pronouncement of a future state that the tribal bring about though its coordinated action. It’s bigger than what one person can do alone. It requires people best efforts and passion. Even if people fail, the noble cause is worth the effort.
  20. To create a noble cause you should keep asking: in service of what are we working, are we making an effort?   & ask the big four questions:
      1 What is working well?
      2 What’s not working?
      3 What can we do to makes things that are not working work?
      4 Is there something else?
21. On going communication is crucial for increasing values among employers.
22. Oil Change: do a mid-way check on the values. Always talk about it and let others talk.
23. YOU should renew life! “We renew life!” should be the theme.
24. Tribal leaders´ description: Using works to get the best out of other people and changing everything.
25. A noble cause and values should be re-visited once a year.


Triads and Networking

  1. Triads: three people relationship.
  2. Ability to Triads: Drive, endless energy, vision for the business, focus on integrity and values to create business relationship between two people based on core values and mutual self interest.
  3. Have two people beside of you all the times in events, talk to them both at the same time, have the ability to link, build and deepen their relationship. Introduce people in two levels: resume issues (why do they need to meet each other, what can they profit from this network) and discuss what makes each person important (what are their core values?). The actions should build triads which results on a good reputation as magnetic person for business.
  4. Once the tribe gets bigger than 150 people it divides itself into two tribes, each filled with triads.

      Triad´s Anathomy

  1. It is formed by three people, each forming a triangle with each leg of the structure responsible for quality of the relationship with the other two parts.
  2. Use triads to resolve problems. Remind employers that they should be in the same path driven by shared values. This would solve any disagreement.
  3. The important thing is to remind the parts the essential: team comes first. “What is best for the team here?” Every decision should take this in consideration.
  4. Not only forming and nurturing triads save the tribal leader time, they encourage the level of followership that is unimaginable in stage 3.
  5. Triads bring a lot of support to help on your efforts and results. You are not alone!
  6. Triads have three distinct characteristics: Stability, Innovation and Scalatibily.
  7. LinkedIn is one example of triads: employer, employee and program.
  8. Introducing new person in one group automatically makes the group check out the benefits of this introduction. All parts should profit.
  9. Scaling tribal effectiveness within Triads: A leader should set the tone, brings volunteers, lead the people doing the work and let the tribe grown on its own. The applicants pull expands geometrically as the enthusiasm of the prospects. People should only see a blizzard of networking activity bringing together experts from different fields. Everyone contributing ideas and leveraging off one another’s wisdom.  Leaders should be match makers.
  10. Know the values, current projects, aspirations, interest of each person in your tribe. Introduce people on both levels (this is possible only by knowing each person, take your time and learn about people – there are no short cuts on that!). Use the theory of small gifts or have the credibility with each person. Form triads bring two people together on the basis of their current projects and shared values. Pass through stage 3. Be great at someone world class if possible. Be authentic.
  11. Triad is the key for stabilizing stage 4 and to lip to stage 5.

Stage 5 – “Life is great”


  1. No evidence of tribal pride, but of innocent wonderment.
  2. Life is great language used devoid by any competitor. Not that the competitor does not exists, but it doesn’t matter.
  3. Values that are important in stage 4, are vital in stage 5, life giving.
  4. The noble cause is the compass of stage 5.
  5. World Call: New appreciation of the ability to contribute to global concerns and all inclusive view. Improve the wellbeing of clients and organizations and improve the life of the 6 billion people on earth.
  6. Stage 5 uses: noble cause, set of shared values, global brand, top talent, highly nimble network tribe, behaviors, and triads.
  7. The emergency of a stage 5 tribe is so unfamiliar to most of us that we go to religious or spiritual words on describing it. “Wow!” Moment.
  8. Culture and strategic performance come together.
  9. A tribe should only go to stage 5 if it is stable at stage 4 and it has the business results to keep it there.
  10. Tribes like that are examples to others.
  11. The future of business if stage 5. The challenge is to


Leader should:

  1. Unlock the potential in invidious, companies, professionals, and organizations.
  2. Attract people that are driven by mission and purpose.
  3. Emphasize the positive.

Dave Logan on Tribal Leadership


Til next book!